Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mitt Romney: "Mysterious Non-Answers"

    In looking at the recent articles regarding President Obama and Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, I came across articles critiquing Mr. Romney’s inability to relay a clear response to the President’s recent halt of deporting young illegal residents. Immigration is a topic due to recent attempts of a few states to block certain groups from voting in the upcoming election.

     I chose this article written by Eugene Robinson, a bi-weekly columnist blogger, because I was intrigued by the title “Mitt Romney’s mysterious views on immigration”. The writer does not have an argument per say, but a citizens’ look at the recent interview Mr. Romney gave following the announcement. I felt that Mr. Robinson was able to point to the temporary conclusion that Mr. Romney did not give an answer for fear of losing potential backing and voters. At this time I found this article, Mr. Romney did not make any official statements on the subject.

     This article focuses on the interview with Bob Schieffer on “Face the Nation”. Mr. Romney was unable to give a clear cut answer, or any real opinion if any when asked the same question multiple times. Mr. Romney began to answer the questions but changed directions to avoid any direct answer. The writer offers a slight possible explanation to the reasoning behind this. He states “It’s also possible, however, that Romney was trying to conceal how close his real views on immigration are to Obama’s”. This led me to believe that the possibility of siding with the President would be a political bomb on his part, considering he is the opposition. I agree with the writers’ idea that Mr. Romney is only avoiding the question at this point to not sway potential voters away. In reading this article multiple times, I do believe Mr. Robinson’s thoughts are intended to catch the attention of minority and Democratic voters. I draw this conclusion due to the current subject at hand. In addition,  this brings attention to the possibility that Mr. Romney may impose deportation on millions of illegal residents. The writer also points that Mr. Romney is unable to state, if elected, if he will keep the current changes in place or make changes of his own. Clearly, a possible presidential candidate, needs to be clear and concise to gather and continue a following clear to the white house.     

     Eugene Robinson brought to a dim light that the inability to answer a simple question, honestly, and not based on possible ratings is important. Important not only because we as the voters would like to know your thoughts, but also because there are millions of illegal citizens of all nationalities who need to be informed. 

Here is the article:

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