Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Florida only wants US Citizens next Election Day

If you are not a legal citizen of the United States and live in Florida, you may not be allowed to vote for the next Presidential Election.

    In the multitude of issues plaguing Florida that have been thrust into the lime light for the world to see, there is now a lawsuit against the state on claiming discrimination of voters. The Justice Department has filed suit against the state on the grounds of illegally purging voters from voting lists, the state wide list you must be on to cast your vote. Scrubbing the Department of Transportation records and deleting names of those who may have voted during the last election and making them ineligible this election year. I find this funny because during the last presidential election, this was not an issue, everyone was encouraged to vote, and showed up in record masses. As we have seen in the past that Florida can be a key, and controversial state during election time. What is the true reasoning behind this and why many other states are attempting to implement the same blockades, only with different titles and amendments. Is this based on the coming election?

    Florida Governor Rick Scott states this is solely to uphold the regulation that only American citizens can vote for the next presidential picking, some would say this is an attempt to oust President Obama from office by blocking a majority of the minority vote, a vote that clearly placed him in the white house.  

    Either way you look at it, politics will always swing in the favor of those given the power to make the big decisions. When the time comes to pick a new leader of the free world, if they do not like who is in charge, they will make sure they find every loop hole to get him out. Legally of course.

    I chose this article for one because I have the right to vote and do not see a problem with anyone who steps foot in this country voicing their opinion, they live here too after all? Secondly, allow those same voters who elected him to decide to re-elect or not, do not try to block potential voters who may vote differently this time around because you fear the current president will have another 4 years.  Elections are the one of the few times we as citizens play a major role in political decisions and the government it allowing this freedom, but with fine print.

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